Friday, May 21, 2010

So, with all good intentions aside...I have not recorded any of my utterly fascinating daily and life events (insert sarcastic emphasis please), because by the time evening rolls around and I think about it...I am too freaky tired to even turn ON my computer much less write anything that would make any sense (like I EVER do!)
Today was a FULL day!  I woke at 4:30 a. m. so I could drive up to my very kind friend and co-athlete Nichole Beckstead's home and ride her Computrainer (cause, YES, I have one...but, NO it isn't currently working!) and ride the Buffalo Springs Ironman 70.3 course to see if it is a course I want to drive 11 hours to go and race next month.  Of course, I had to get lost going to her house...cause among other disabilities (like carrying a computer killing virus on my skin) I am also directionally challenged and would most likely get lost driving to my own home if not for the bread crumbs I leave along the path every time I head out into the world.  I did finally make my way to the correct home and rode the course and LOVED it!  Lots of fast flats with a nice couple of HILLS every couple of miles to break up the course and keep it interesting.  So, I think I'll head down to Lubbock Texas at the end of June and enjoy the experience of a new race.  Fun stuff!
Cade was so awesome and agreed to get the kids off to school so I could do the ride.  So, I made it home and got ready as fast as I could so I could head over to the temple for my  niece's wedding!  Thank heavens I literally live two blocks from the temple.  In between the ceremony and the luncheon I ran home and grabbed our cat out from under my bed and took her (meowing and hissing the WHOLE way) to my daughter's "Pet Day" at her school.  Let me tell dress and white cat hair....not an attractive combination!  I was covered!  I think when a cat is very unhappy with you and exerting much energy in the form of verbal protests and physical duress...they must shed more.  Note to time, wear white!  It was totally worth it cause my sweet little Covey was SO happy that I brought our cat and she was the center of attention for 5 minutes which made her day ( least her hour).
This was our family's first wedding for all of us siblings.  We were all commenting that we had our season of baby blessings and baptisms and now we are heading into the mission and wedding season of our lives.  How fun to get to experience all the wonderful events and celebrations of life.  And, so much fun to be with all my siblings!  The last time we were all together was for my brother's funeral and this wedding was a great way to get to be together again.  If I do say so...I think my brothers and sisters are pretty much the coolest, greatest and most awesome people ever!  Especially my sisters who I fought with nearly every day growing up.  Now we are absolute best friends and can't get enough of each other.  I keep reminding my own kids of this funny switch in life when your stupid siblings become your closest friends.  Someday (I hope!) they'll get it.
Tomorrow is Saturday and I get to teach my swim class early from 6-7 cause the Women of Steel triathlon is being held at the AFFC.  So, after I teach my wonderful group of swimmers, I am going to stick around and cheer on all the brave women that are most likely going to be racing in the wind and cold!  I'll be sure to wear 8 layers of clothing and ring my cowbell hard and loud to let them know they rock!  After that I am giving a presentation to on health and fitness to a group of women from the Mrs. Utah pageant.  And BBQ!  I would also at some point like to be able to go unconscious for a few hours....
But for now, I need to go down to my kitchen and clean up the mess from dipping chocolate strawberries for the wedding reception, empty the dishwasher, change a load of laundry and don't forget to shoot myself up with that chocolate laced heroin I have been saving just for this special occasion!
Truly, genuinely, much more blessed can a person be?  Sometimes it's a little scary to realize how much good I have been given.  I guess the key is to just acknowledge it and enjoy every moment! 

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